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Land For Sale_2022.JPG

Series “Documentation“ 2022, Glasgow

“Sales Sign“ 2022, 61x81cm, correx print

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“Self portrait as Real Estate Agent“, 2022, Glasgow

"Land for Sale" is a project blurring fiction and reality, prompting viewers to question boundaries. After creating a fictional luxury real estate brokerage with a sales persona, website, and satirical video, advertising signs were publicly placed to guide viewers to the online content, raising credibility questions.

The satirical sales video shown on the website accessed through the QR code on the sign is crafted from real luxury real estate advertising transcripts, highlights the absurdity and privilege of the “luxury” sector, shedding light on its unquestioned privileges and profound impact on societal decisions. 

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“Airport“, 2020, 150x226 cm, printed canvas, gomited and suspended on nylon yarn

“Always Blue”, 2022, 06“17‘, short film

Series “Poolboys“, 2022,15x21cm each, print on aludibond

“Beachside“, 2022, 150x226 cm, printed canvas, gomited and suspended on nylon yarn

“Seagulls“, 2022, 119x84cm, print on aludibond

Parts of Solo Exhibiton "Holiday" 2022


"Bildträger", 2021, photoprint sculpture, collaboration with Thomas Steineder

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"shrine of female empowermen", 2020, EL-triptychon, found objects

"love and mariagge", 2020, found objects

"read after death", 2020, diary framed behind glass

Parts of Solo Exhibiton "where we come from" 2019

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